Wed 5th Aug – Isafjordur Serendipidy

ISAFJORDUR  – Wed 5th Aug – 0900 to 1800

We have no excursions booked, the one we wanted was fully booked weeks ago, so it is a ‘Do It Yourself’ day. Isafjordur is situated between dramatic mountains but as usual we cannot see the tops because of the mist.  Our research indicates not much to do, it is a very small town and exploration will not take too long.


We all decide on different things. Kath decides on a walk around town then just have a leisurely day back on board. Sam and Dave decide on town and food exploration. The Information Kiosk provide details of some good walks which interests the rest of us. At the end of the Fjord is an interesting track up the mountain to a man made ridge constructed as an avalanche protection with a tunnel running through and further up the mountain an abandoned white building, making an 8km walk there and back.

Mountain Avalanche Defences
Mountain Avalanche Defences

Interestingly a large building in town was being repaired and surrounded by scaffolding, surprisingly, the scaffolding was all wooden posts and planks nailed together – I have never seen this before.

Wooden scaffolding
Wooden scaffolding

I wandered around town then hit the trail up the mountain. It was steeper than anticipated but rewarded by great views over the harbour and town. Met several icelandic walkers who implied this is one of the most popular walks and leads further into the mountains where waterfalls and other mountain peaks are in abundance. I made the tunnel in good time and on looking back spotted Liz and Paul coming up the trail. I clambered onto the Ridge to wait for them since they were sensible walkers and would probably have some chocolate and sugar drinks, as I stupidly had nothing! After a brief chat, they decide to go onto the White House but I decided to walk down the Ridge –this was tougher than expected since I was now completely exposed to a chilling northern wind.

Ridge forming part of avalanche defences
Ridge forming part of avalanche defences

Once back in town I visited a local pub/restaurant, popular with walkers, the beer was good (Viking Classic brewed in Akureri) and the sandwich came on one inch thick bread, plus salad and wedge chips. Liz and Paul eventually joined me which was good news since they paid the bill. Incidentally the White house turned out to be an abandoned cafe.  The pub was stifling hot and I opened the windows, seems the pub is heated by free geothermal energy and is always at 24 degrees.

With our wedding anniversary coming up and also Kaths birthday, I was planning on buying two really nice cards reflecting an Icelandic flavour. This was a bad strategy as such things do not appear to exist, and I was forced to buy two not very impressive generic cards – I could be in deep trouble, later this week!

On the way back to the ship, there were a colony of Arctic Terns nesting on the shore, interesting to watch, challenging to go near as they attack you.  Paul also spotted a colony of Purple Sandpipers sharing the shore with the Terns – they were difficult to spot as the Terns prevented us getting anywhere near.

Back on board ship, we are bemused by several people we have not spoken to before  asking if Kath enjoyed leading the Conga last night and others asking Liz if she is feeling better.  How do all these people know what we have been up to?  It appears they have all been talking to Sam and Dave!  Those two know how to work a room and network, the whole ship appear to be following our exploits.  Apparently Kath and myself are known as the golden couple!

The Restaurant had a strange atmosphere tonight, there were no staff, tables set as usual but dim lighting and nobody around.  Just as the restaurant filled, jolly roger music filled the air, the room lit up and all the staff came marching in dressed as pirates.  Lots of ‘argh argh’ and ‘pieces of eight’ and cutlasses waving.  The menu had mouth watering items such as ‘Rich Pickings’, ‘Seaweeds and Stuff’, ‘From the Treasure Chest’, etc.  It was all great fun.  Shame they did not tell us in advance, we would have dressed up as well!

After the usual excellent meal, we decided tonight would only be a token appearance at the disco – token still meant a 1am finish! As the ship bumped along the waves and the weather is set to get worse overnight, I think, the announcements made over the ships intercom leave a lot to be desired as you can hardly hear the announcements when in your cabin.

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