Sun 9th Aug – Welcome Home

Welcome back to Liverpool – Sunday 9th August 2015

What a change, the big waves have gone and the boat seems back to normal with the usual throbbing of the engines and gentle swaying of the decks. Even the sun is attempting to make an appearance. Then the voice of the captain – the adverse weather experienced during the night will mean a further delay – expected arrival in Liverpool now 5pm.

The journey is now a peaceful relaxed sail towards home, time to walk around the decks and chat to people. Over lunch we meet Inna and Liza, and give them a present, it really was a pleasure to be looked after by them. After lunch we played Shuffle Disc on deck, good fun and fairly skilful when you get the hang of it. Shame it is on the promenade deck so walkers have to navigate around our discs.

Ship now feels really full since everyone has now vacated their cabins and not a seat to be had in the lounges or on the decks. Still a great chance to reminiss on the trip with others, few niggly complaints but overall most people very positive about the cruise.

Liverpool waterfront - ancient and modern
Liverpool waterfront – ancient and modern

Then Liverpool looms in the distance, the pilot boat comes alongside and we are now on the last leg. We are on deck with lots of other people, our wonderful north west coastline gliding by, looking so attractive in the sunlight, Formby Point, Crosby Iron Men, Hightown estuary, then the Liverpool waterfront, sparkling in the summer sunshine. Suddenly, a roar overhead and the Red Arrows fly above us – what a welcome home. We left to a confetti farewell and return to a red arrows salute – but no more than we deserved after our experiences in the last 24 hours – we came through an Atlantic Force 8 Gale in a small ship, we are all heroes! – thank you Red Arrows.

The Three Graces
The Three Graces

We arrive at 5.45 to a packed Cruise terminal – 500 people queuing to board the ship and 500 people queuing to get off. The ships disembarkation procedures are tortuously slow and on the quayside the organisation of vehicles, baggage handlers and other transportation is chaotic. We are finally on dry land again at 7pm.

So there we are, the end of wonderful trip, made even better by Sam and Dave, Liz and Paul, young people full of life and vigour. Kath and I are so proud of them all and the kind of people they are. Thank you gang for helping us to celebrate the big 50, a truly golden and memorable event. We love you so much.

The final docking
The final docking