Sat 8th Aug – Happy Birthday to Kath

Happy Birthday to You – At Sea on Saturday 8th August 2015

Disaster One – the ship has run out of premium beer – Boddingtons! It is not even premium at home, but in this environment it is the best they have. I am fed up with cocktails so this is a serious blow (I never thought I would say that about Boddies!). So from now on it is cans of Bass!!!!!

Disaster Two – we are now eight hours behind schedule and the weather forecast is awful. We are sailing into Force 8 Gales, some crew and passengers say higher, the sea is certainly very choppy with waves breaking over the pointed end and passengers not allowed to walk the decks for safety reasons. We are a small boat and in this weather trying to go full speed into the wind is no joke. People are dropping like flies with sea sickness, tables and chairs are moving around and a fair bit of glassware is getting smashed. Worst they have ever experienced say some people.

Latest estimate is arrival in Liverpool at about 4pm Sunday with disembarkation about 6pm, the ship is scheduled to sail off to Norway at 11pm so the crew will have a hectic time turning the ship around.

No sign of the rest of the gang for most of day as Kath and myself start packing suitcases and then pass the time catching up on reading, chatting and drinking with other passengers. It is very nerve racking for some passengers just walking around as they get bounced around with every roll of the ship, I notice a few staff members beginning to look less than confident. The waves are crashing over the side of the ship, bouncing against portholes with a noise which takes you by surprise. The whole ship shudders and shakes each time another wave hits us.

Provided you keep your thoughts away from the age of this ship or what these unpredictable vibration noises are doing, it is quite exciting in a weird sort of way. Bottom line though, why worry? – there will be a small trawler out there, somewhere, being bounced around far more severely, yet all we have to worry about is spilling our drinks – bottoms up and doubles all round!

Liz is equipped with ginger sweets to ward off sea sickness and as more passengers succumb, Paul and Liz feel like “dealers” as they dish them out to needy looking people.

Then a nice surprise from the captain – a bottle of wine and chocolate covered strawberries appeared in the cabin – happy birthday to Kath, compliments of the Captain.

We eventually all meet up in the restaurant for another celebratory meal, this time for Kaths birthday and notice the restaurant is only half full. Of course we make a scene of ourselves and sing “Happy Birthday” to Kath. Another good meal topped off with the staff delivering a squidgy birthday cake and also singing happy birthday, it was good fun. We cannot finish the cake and share it with other passengers.

It is a makeshift show tonight in the theatre, the dancers cannot perform on a moving stage, so they get the night off whilst the singers provide a melody of rock numbers – it was so cool and very good.

This boat seems to be on full throttle and struggling against the waves,  we are being rocked severely from front to back whilst at the same time rolling precariously from side to side. I watched in horror as my pint slid across the table towards me, I just caught it in time but could not prevent a glass of wine smashing all over the chair.

On the way to the disco, we are accosted by a woman in her pyjamas, desperately searching the corridors for sea sickness bags. We do the right thing and find lots of them for her. We load her up with as many as she can carry (quite a lot as it turns out) and supply her with some ginger sweets and she staggers back towards her cabin – not on our floor thank goodness.

Unsurprisingly, the disco was a failure tonight but we still attended with about eight other people, we had one last bop to maintain our 100% record. Who would have thought we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary and Kaths birthday with so many discos in so few days! If I never see another disco again it will be too soon!

Fri 31 Jul – Finding Our Sea Legs


Relaxing at Sea
Relaxing at Sea

Whilst not a large ship, finding your way around is proving tricky, signage not always explicit. We walk the decks, chat to other passengers, admire the cameras around peoples necks, discover the bar areas, and rock up and down as a sea swell starts to build. Our path up the North Sea always keeps land in sight on both sides, yet as the weather worsened people were migrating to their cabins. Ominously, ‘sick bags’ were appearing all over the ship.

On Watch Duty
On Watch Duty
Kath and Liz
Kath and Liz

There are some good lectures to attend if you can survive the rolling motion, one on Iceland Myths and Legends (Paul Twose) and another on Tigers (Param Sandhu) were particularly good. We have been drinking and swaying all afternoon but on returning to cabin find a tray of Smoked Salmon, Caviar and a bottle of Champagne on ice, plus an invitation to dine with the Captain tonight.

Tonight is a “Formal Evening” and this is a lot of Champers to shift and still remain respectable for the Captain. Thank goodness for our gang, as I round them up and we polish off this delightful booty of food and bubbly.

It is posh frocks and dickie bow time as we mingle, then join the line to meet the Captain and have our photographs taken followed by enjoying more Champagne at the Captains reception.



We meet the Captain again and are joined by a couple who have just become engaged after a traumatic episode in their lives.  The meal with Captain Filipe Sousa was superb, with some great wine (I make a note so we can order some for our table). Captain Sousa is a very pleasant and reserved man, he sails the ship, not drive it as I light heartedly described it. He has been with this ship for many years and although it was built in 1946 and has an interesting history (click the M/V Azores tab), it is like the legendary “Triggers Broom” – it has had so many refits and makeovers, the Keel is the only original bit!

Tonights show was an Abba Tribute – a high energy show, which just warmed us up for yet another session in the Disco. I have lost count of the number of Cocktails we have all consumed, why do they seem to improve everybodys performance on the dance floor except myself. We staggered away just after 1am, almost last out again. The sea was now very rough and eerily there was still light around the horizon.

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